Taryn RahierProgram Director, Sanctuary House

    After exploring courses in kinesiology and business, Taryn Rahier came to realize her love for psychology and social sciences. She has completed both an Associate’s degree in Psychology with certificates in mathematics and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Brain Sciences from UC Santa Barbara. In 2021, Taryn began working for Sanctuary Centers as a part-time counselor within our Mental Health Inpatient Care program (Sanctuary House) but quickly realized her desire to be more involved. Only after a few months, she became a full-time Sanctuary House Counselor and began facilitating the Team Building and Leadership Skills group. Taryn worked in this position for a little over a year and was then promoted to Sanctuary House Assistant Program Director and subsequently moved into her current role as Sanctuary House Program Director. She aspires to continue her education with a Master’s in Clinical Psychology or Forensic Psychology so she can be of better clinical support to the communities around her.

    I have found a great deal of pride and satisfaction in working with and seeing our clients grow enough to become independent and be able to pursue their own passions in life. We have a fantastic and knowledgeable team that is not only invaluable to learn from but also amazing to see in action while serving our clients.


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    Tatjana BasurtoCecilia Pinhel